The 2nd Edition Standards Manual contains 227 standards organized into seventeen (17) chapters. The standards describe “what” must be accomplished by the agency while allowing that agency latitude in determining “how” it will achieve its compliance with each applicable standard.
Each standard includes the standard statement, which appears in italics and is a declarative sentence that places a clear-cut requirement, or multiple requirements, on an agency. When standards include itemized or bulleted lists, each bullet represents a unique requirement. Many standards call for the development and implementation of written directives, such as general or special orders, that articulate the agency’s policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. Other standards require an activity, a report, an inspection, or other action. Standards that require a certain activity to be performed on a regularly scheduled timeframe are identified as being “time sensitive.”
Most standards are accompanied by a commentary that supports the standard statement but is not binding. The commentary can serve as a prompt, as guidance to clarify the intent of the standard, or offer suggestions as to how compliance may be achieved.
Please contact IACLEA Director of Professional Services Jerry Murphy at or (202) 618-4545, or Program Manager Tamara McCollough at or (202) 618-8286.
Updated Dec. 17, 2021
Valid until January 1, 2022
Dates for Adopting the Second Edition
This second edition of IACLEA Standards was issued May 15, 2021. Adoption of the second edition will occur according to the following timeline:
- Agencies enrolling in the Accreditation Program after May 16, 2021 will be issued the second edition of standards and will demonstrate compliance with those standards during their first assessment.
- Agencies currently enrolled in the Accreditation Program seeking their first accreditation or reaccreditation will have the option of complying with the first or second edition up to December 31, 2021. After January 1, 2022, all agencies will demonstrate compliance with the second edition of standards.
- Agencies currently enrolled in the Accreditation Program seeking their first accreditation or reaccreditation will be expected to comply with the following new and amended standards by September 1, 2021. After this date, assessors will verify compliance consistent with an agency’s next recurring assessment.
- 1.4 Duty to Intervene (new standard)
- 2.4 Search and Seizure with a Warrant (modified standard)
- 1.3 Personnel Early Intervention System (E) (new standard)
- 1.1 Reasonable Force (modified standard)
- 1.4 Firearms and Moving Vehicles (new standard)
- 1.5 Vascular Neck Restrictions (new standard)
- 1.6 Choke Holds (new standard)
- 1.7 Electronic Control Weapons (ECW) (new standard)
- 1.9 Medical Aid after Use of Force (modified standard)
Canadian Standards Manual
The IACLEA Accreditation Commission developed a Canadian version of its accreditation standards. The IACLEA Accreditation Canadian Standards establishes best practices and appropriate criteria for the effective and efficient operations of a Canadian campus public safety agency.
This manual contains 221 standards, and is the culmination of many months of work by Canadian and American campus public safety officials to develop standards that reflect Canadian law, practices, and terminology.