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Active Bystanders on Campus: Public Safety Professionals Empowering Community Members for Positive Action

February 25 @ 11:00 am February 26 @ 4:00 pm EST

We’ve used our train-the-trainer model to create this course to assist public safety professionals in educating students, campus staff, and community members to recognize and intervene in harmful situations effectively. This course lays out the framework for public safety professionals to present their own Active Bystander program at their campus. We’ll go through the pertinent course material, such as; the roles of those involved (target, harm doer, and bystander), the psychological barriers to intervention, and effective strategies to overcome them. Public safety professionals will learn how to best instruct on topics about  moral courage, inclusive caring, and the responsibility for others. The course includes interactive activities, role-playing, and the development of intervention techniques that can be taken back to your campus to ensure safety and effectiveness in intervening.


  • Member: $495
  • Non-Member: $535

Event Details

Location: Virtual
Region: All Members
Type: IACLEA Training