Effective Leadership in Emergency Management: Leading with Impact

Designed to develop the strategic and operational leadership skills necessary for managing complex emergency situations. Addresses topics such as crisis leadership, decision-making under pressure, and interagency coordination. Participants learn to...

IACLEA Proof Identification Course

Elevate your skills in ensuring you demonstrate compliance with the IACLEA Accreditation Standards. Learn how to verify compliance with the standards. Understand how to identify effective proofs. Discover how to...

Calm in the Storm: De-Escalation Strategies for Campus Public Safety

Focuses on equipping law enforcement officers with skills to manage and defuse potentially volatile situations on campus. Covers techniques such as effective communication, conflict resolution, and tactical de-escalation. It emphasizes understanding psychological...

Non-Sworn Public Safety Academy Class II

IACLEA's Non-Sworn Public Safety Academy Class II is aimed to strengthen the proficiencies of current and future non-sworn public safety professionals. This course will focus on key principles of public...

Active Assailants Course

Critical training for responding to active shooter situations. Participants will learn about the psychology and behavior of active assailants, effective communication and coordination strategies, and best practices for law enforcement,...