IACLEA is committed to bringing you relevant, timely, and first-rate training to help advance the campus law enforcement and public safety professions – including your career path!
Mainstay and new programs have been reimagined to bring you the NEW IACLEA Leadership Development Institute. Each class will be for 2 1/2 days and held virtually. Attendees will be issued a certificate upon completion of the individual courses.
Upcoming Institutes
Leadership Development Institute: New & Aspiring Chiefs
Public Safety New and Aspiring Chiefs on Campus is designed to equip new and aspiring campus public safety leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the unique challenges of...
Leadership Development Institute: Supervisors
Public Safety Supervisors on Campus is designed to prepare current and aspiring supervisors with the skills and mindset needed to lead effectively in a campus environment. This course encourages participants to...
Leadership Development Institute: Executives
IACLEA's Leadership Development Institute: Executives on Campus is designed to support mid-level public safety leaders as they transition from managerial roles to executive leadership. This course provides a strategic framework for...